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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-3956

Maistra Test tool: TestDiscoverySelectors test is failing


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Sprint ending on 17 May 2023

      New test case related to TestDiscoverySelectors it's failing because is using istioctl and we do not have istioctl in nodes deployed using Jenkins job:

          discovery_selectors_test.go:35: This test checks if discoverySelectors are being honored
          discovery_selectors_test.go:36: See https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-3802
          discovery_selectors_test.go:37: Test case is based on https://istio.io/latest/blog/2021/discovery-selectors/
          discovery_selectors_test.go:42: STEP 1: Apply cluster-wide SMCP and standard SMMR
          discovery_selectors_test.go:43:    Deleting namespaces: [istio-system]
          discovery_selectors_test.go:43:    Creating namespaces: [istio-system]
          discovery_selectors_test.go:46:    Wait for condition Ready on smcp istio-system/basic...
          discovery_selectors_test.go:46:    SUCCESS: Condition Ready met by smcp istio-system/basic
          discovery_selectors_test.go:49: STEP 2: Install httpbin and sleep pod
          discovery_selectors_test.go:50:    Install app "sleep" in namespace "foo"
          discovery_selectors_test.go:50:    Install app "httpbin" in namespace "mesh-external"
          discovery_selectors_test.go:50:    Wait for app foo/sleep to be ready
          discovery_selectors_test.go:50:    Wait for app mesh-external/httpbin to be ready
          discovery_selectors_test.go:55: STEP 3: Confirm that the httpbin and sleep services have been discovered
          discovery_selectors_test.go:57:    FATAL: Command failed: istioctl pc endpoint deploy/sleep -n foo
              sh: line 1: istioctl: command not found 

              fbrychta@redhat.com Filip Brychta
              frherrer@redhat.com Francisco Herrera Lira (Inactive)
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              3 Start watching this issue
