Resolution: Won't Do
OSSM 1.1.0, OSSM 2.0.0, OSSM 2.1.0
From e-mail about OCP 4.9:
the Portfolio Enablement Team ran a report last weekend to scan our Red Hat Operators catalog for operators that already migrated to v1 CRDs, and can therefore also be run on OCP 4.9.
The result showed the below list of operators which are still incompatible with OCP 4.9. These are mostly using v1beta1 CRDs which are removed in OCP 4.9/k8s 1.22. Any customer running these Operators will get told that their OCP 4.8 clusters should not be upgraded to 4.9 and they will be out of support, if they do so.
We'd like all our customers to be able to upgrade ideally on day 1, when OCP 4.9 drops (currently Oct 19).
If you are a developer or owner/PM of an operator on this list, please make plans to update your operator to not use any of the removed APIs in k8s 1.22 (primarily v1beta1 CRDs) and publish it to 4.8 before October this year. It's enough to release at least one version that does not depend on any of the deprecated APIs.
- 3scale-operator
- jaeger-product
- kiali-ossm
- servicemeshoperator
AFAIK the current plan for all of the teams (possible exception of 3scale) is to release a zstream of their Operators prior to the end of September. We will need to search through the YAML examples for any references to the v1beta1 CRD and make sure we update the API references as each Operator update is released.
- documents
OSSM-2199 Bump Istio CRDs from v1beta1 to v1
- Closed
TRACING-2099 Release Red Hat OpenShift Jaeger v1.24.1
- Closed
- mentioned in
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