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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-99

Adopt collapsed Nova conductor deployments


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 2023Q3
    • None
    • nova-operator
    • None
    • 2023Q2
    • Compute

      The default deployment model of tripleo collapses the super-conductor into the cell1 conductor. We need to make sure that we can adopt such deployment properly, while keeping the nova-operator's default deployment mode which is using a super-conductor (in cell0) and a separate cell1 conductor.

      The expected outcomes:

          * Alongside https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/data-plane-adoption/blob/main/docs/openstack/mariadb_copy.md, create a nova_adoption.md file
          that describes how to adopt the 3+ nova databases ensuring the api and cell0 db are using the shared openstack db instance and cell1+ are using seperate db instnaces.
          * Part of the procedure is stopping the contol plan services for the service being adopted: list how to stop the nova services on the 3 contolers
          * Explain how to enable the adopted service in openshift, following the placement example https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/data-plane-adoption/blob/main/docs/openstack/placement_adoption.md#procedure---placement-adoption
          * modify https://github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/data-plane-adoption/tree/main/tests/roles to actully test the procedure

            smooney@redhat.com Sean Mooney
            rh-ee-bgibizer Balazs Gibizer
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
