Resolution: Done
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
In order to cater to existing customer willing to continue to run their deployed workloads under the new podified control plane a mechanism needs to be put in place to allow migration / importing of existing 17.1 deployed data plane hosts to the OCP Hosted CTLplaneÂ
This also touches "OSP.Next" Goals for the decoupling the RHEL Ver and the OSP ctlplane ver from the compute versionÂ
Dev Preview is being considered as a phased approach (meaning Dev Preview Phase1 = Q1CY23 cycle Dev Preview Phase2 = Q2CY23 and so on..)
Milestones like the March 2023Â demo and the june 2023 summit demos need to be aligned with the dev preview phases and a calendar quarter cycleÂ
What are the maturity level requirements for Dev Preview
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of a Nova compute based dataplane
- successful adoption of a services required to boot a VM from a volume and to allow connectivity to it via a floating IP (nova, placement, keystone, glance, neutron, ovn, cinder, mariadb, rabbitmq)
- successful reattachment of an external ceph cluster in accordance to the RHOSP to Ceph support matrix for RHOS-18 (external ceph upgrade is to be expected and handled by the customer)
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of a network node to a pod / OCPVirtVM
- documented procedure tested and validated for all of the above
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre successful adoption of RHEV virtualised control plane (P0)Â
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre successful adoption of OSP Director Operator control plane (P1)
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre successful adoption of Baremetal Director deployed contol plane (P2)
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre ** successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of ComputeSRIOV, ComputeDPDK and ComputeSRIOVDPDKroles
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of Compute Node Enabled with Fencing for instance HA
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre automated / semi automated procedure for the above requirements
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of Ironic Deployed BM nodes
- part of GA MVP, Nice to have for DevPre, roll-back mechanism to revert to the old OSP 17.1 control plane in case of unsuccessful adoption
Out of scope for DevPreview to be followed after GA
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of ComputeHCI
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of DCN stacks (compute ephemeral and computeHCI)
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator of Director deployed Ceph Baremetal director and Director operator HCI deployment)
- successful adoption orchestrated by the openstack meta operator based on a spine-leaf network topology and routed provider networksÂ
Definition of Done:
- A consultant or sufficiently skilled customer/partner could execute the manual steps and wind up with a fully adopted data plane.
- After the adoption, a pre-existing VM is manageable via the OpenStack client and can be connected to via SSH.
- blocks
OSPRH-1419 RHOSP 17.1 to 18 Adoption in High Density node situation (+250 compute nodes)
- Backlog
OSPRH-1420 RHOSP 17.1 to 18 Adoption in High Density node situation (+250 compute nodes) - Advanced Architectures
- Refinement
OSPRH-817 Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Upgrades
- New
OSPRH-816 Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Updates
- In Progress
OSPRH-819 Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Basic Scale Tests
- Closed
- is related to
OSPRH-811 Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
- Closed
- relates to
OSPRH-7874 download-cache-openstack service tries to update libvirt related packages. During Dataplane adoption, the process shouldn't update any packages
- Closed
OSPRH-7875 Adoption docs service list does not match the greenfield defaults
- Closed
OSPRH-7860 Migrating databases to MariaDB instances procedure - an operator should know how to get SOURCE_MARIADB_IP from RHOSP 17.1 control plane
- Closed
OSPRH-7862 Adopting the Image service - NFS glance adoption example output is Warning: unknown field "spec.glance.template.glanceAPIs.default.override.service.spec.type"
- Closed
OSPRH-7858 Migrating databases to the control plane procedure - temporary folder adoption-db isn't used
- Closed
- split to
OSPRH-3714 Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Data Plane Adoption [FR1]
- In Progress
- links to
- mentioned in
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