Resolution: Done
OSPRH-811 - Red Hat OpenStack 18.0 Greenfield Deployment
OSPPlanningCycle3, 2023Q1
Jira Description
As a (WHO- type of user) I want to (WHAT - goal) so that (WHY - reason).
<Does issue have Epic linked?>
In summary you should include
- Graphical visualization <(chart/ diagram)>
- Broader background information <context of the issue>
- Links <for specification, documentation, integrations...)>
- Wire frames <if needed, available>
- Architectural proposal
Definition of Ready
When we can consider User Story to be Ready?
- Defined clearly enough that all members of the team understand what needs to be done
- Includes any required enabling specs. wire frames etc.
- Fully meet INVEST criteria for User Stories
- Dependencies identified and there is a clear strategy how they will be managed
- Prerequisites <list of any dependencies, work that needs to be done prior we can start to work on the story etc.>
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
- INVEST - consider, make adjustments
I - IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE, a team can begin work on the item right away.
N - NEGOTIABLE, the team can discuss details about the issue and how it is to be accomplished.
V - VALUE, the issue produces value to customers/stakeholders.
E - ESTIMABLE, the team can estimate how much effort it will take to complete.
S - SMALL, the work can be accomplished in a single Sprint.
T - TESTABLE, the increment can be tested
Acceptance Criteria
What needs to be done for issue to be considered complete. It helps teams estimate, test and accomplish work. We can think about Acceptance Criteria as "what customer needs".
- <>
- <>
Definition of Done
When we can consider User Story to be Done?
Definition of Done can differ from team to team. It represents some quality standards, which the team commits to deliver. Done mean the feature has been developed, tested and meets all required acceptance tests. Ideally, Done means the feature could be shipped to a customer.
When creating your definition of done, think about including:
- <Tests>
- <Documentation>
- <Merged to master>
- <Deployment to customer environment>
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