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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-137

Extract ksm functionality into seperate edpm ansible roles


    • Compute

      KSM or kernel same page merging is a geneirc kernel functionality that can be used on any rhel node to deduplicate memory pages by enabling kenrel level copy on write semantics for phsyical memory pages.

      This has some advantages when running many copies of the same applciaiton on a host but comes at the cost of non determistic performance and cpu overhead in some cases.

      This functionality is not related ot nova in any way but is currently embded in the the
      edpm_nova_compute and should be extracted into its own role.


      This capablity should be configurable on the OpenstackDataPlaneNode CRD as a top level field as this was orgnally intended to be supported on non compute nodes including the openstack contollers. in the new installer the scope of the KSM role is smaller but still applies to non compute OpenstackDataPlaneNodes such as storage nodes and network nodes.

            bdobreli@redhat.com Bohdan Dobrelia
            smooney@redhat.com Sean Mooney
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