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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-11489

Power Consumption for Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) [Full Support]


    • Power Consumption for Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) [Full Support]
    • 17
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    • To Do
    • RHOSSTRAT-276 - Power Optimization
    • Proposed
    • Proposed
    • 43% To Do, 29% In Progress, 29% Done

      As a service provider, I need a comprehensive dashboard that displays a power consumption matrix per Virtual Network Function (VNF) to monitor and optimize resource usage effectively. For DPDK-based workloads, additional metrics on CPU and memory utilization are essential, as these impact overall power ratings. This dashboard will support better decision-making by allowing providers to adjust power modes without compromising performance.

      Technical documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OIibA7Ti0CFr3c8ZS2etdSw1eyjeorEXdLmM5_WWOzQ/edit?usp=sharing 

      Business Justification & Priority:
      This feature is requested by major clients, including Verizon (Vz) and KDDI, who require insights into power and resource utilization per VNF to optimize performance and manage energy consumption. The dashboard will enable them to select appropriate power modes that balance energy efficiency with performance


      Acceptance Criteria:

      1. Power Consumption Matrix:
        • A power consumption matrix is available per VNF on the dashboard, with metrics updated in real-time or at regular intervals.
      2. Customizable Power Modes:
        • Service providers can select different power modes per VNF, enabling energy savings without compromising key performance metrics.
      3. Automation & testing coverage


      • Integration with Kepler and other telemetry tools to gather and report CPU, memory, and power consumption data.

              rh-ee-aharivel Anthony Harivel
              ekuris@redhat.com Eran Kuris
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
