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  1. Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift
  2. OSPRH-11301

Dataplane adoption procedure to adopt controller nodes as networkers is missing


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      .Adoption of combined Controller/Networker nodes not verified

      Red Hat has not verified a process for adoption of a RHOSP 17.1 environment where Controller and Networker roles are composed together on Controller nodes. If your RHOSP 17.1 environment does use combined Controller/Networker roles on the Controller nodes, the documented adoption process will not produce the expected results.

      Adoption of RHOSP 17.1 environments that use dedicated Networker nodes has been verified to work as documented.
      .Adoption of combined Controller/Networker nodes not verified Red Hat has not verified a process for adoption of a RHOSP 17.1 environment where Controller and Networker roles are composed together on Controller nodes. If your RHOSP 17.1 environment does use combined Controller/Networker roles on the Controller nodes, the documented adoption process will not produce the expected results. Adoption of RHOSP 17.1 environments that use dedicated Networker nodes has been verified to work as documented.
    • Known Issue
    • Done
    • Important

      In the https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSPRH-1031 it was mentioned that while adopting OSP 17.1 environment where controller nodes are running as gateway chassis also (there are no dedicated networker nodes there) such nodes should be adopted to the RHOSO as edpm-networker nodes and still run as gateway chassis there, at least temporary. Later, after adoption is finished user can plane to e.g. scale such gateway chassis down and get rid of them.

      It seems that we don't have any documentation nor testing related to that. We should probably add some documentation about how to adopt such controller nodes to be networkers - this should be similar to adoption of the OSP 17.1 networker nodes to be RHOSO networker nodes but may require some small changes and probably separate chapter in the docs.

      We also should have some testing of such scenario. It can't be done with adoption of the standalone environment - we need to have "full" multinode OSP cluster to be adopted that way.

              mtomaska@redhat.com Miro Tomaska
              skaplons@redhat.com Slawomir Kaplonski
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