Resolution: Obsolete
OCPPLAN-6495 - ShiftonStack Enable Telco/NFV 5G core and edge/RAN
As a user of OpenShift cluster I would like to have an operator which completes the configuration/deployment require to deploy a a set of OVS-DPDK workers which I an use to run performance tests based on the testpmd binary.
Acceptance criteria:
- an operator exists which may be used by the QE team to deploy a cluster where testpmd peformance tests maybe run. A logical diagram of the required deployed workers is seen on Fig 1
- The ongoing maintenance of the source code of the resulting operator is not part of this story.
- The operator iwill not configuration commands one the underlaying OpenStack infrastructure (create flavors, configure SR-IOV, configured OpenStack OVS-DPDK) or execute any administrative tasks on the OpenStack infrastructure.
Dependency work:
SDN-2101 Add DPDK support to host-device plugin
The details of what the operator needs to configure are defined by the output of OSASINFRA-2610
- Description of the process for deploying a performance test bed are documented as one of the use cases here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsvGs36Q3GQpmrUkPmzUEJICA0k5pxlSnrcIKbk7CPc/edit#heading=h.391h9u5sg4f
- is blocked by
OSASINFRA-2602 Deploy ovs-dpdk VNF lab for performance test
- Closed
- is related to
OSASINFRA-2767 Design a new operator for OpenStack NFV
- Closed
- relates to
NP-22 Add DPDK support to host-device plugin [oversight]
- Closed
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