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  1. jboss.org
  2. ORG-1023

Allow for some kind of document structure templating on docs.jboss.org/author


      maxandersen: hi, regarding your docs.jboss.org/author question. I do not understand which kind of template do you mean. What should this template contain? Basic description how to organize space is here https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AUTHGUIDE/How+to+organize+space+content, we may extend it if something is not clear. I may also reorganize/improve https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AUTHGUIDE/Markup+Guide to be clearer.
      maxandersen velias: jbosstools has close to 25 modules - each module should follow a similar structure ...see example over here: https://svn.devel.redhat.com/repos/ecs/Staff/bclare/Reference_Guide_Template/en-US/TOC
      recreating that structure in the author setup would be rather error prone
      velias maxandersen: I see now. I'll look if there is some possibility for this. Probably some deep clone of pages structure should be enough. Or some our plugin allowing create initial page structure from some definition "text file". This should be used for validating then too. Can you create feature request in our jira for this please?

      Also validation of document structure based on template may be supported.

            velias@redhat.com Vlastimil Eliáš
            manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
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