
    • Pipeline Dashboard
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Yellow
    • To Do
    • OCPSTRAT-843 - Provide better insights into OpenShift Pipeline runs
    • 0
    • OCPSTRAT-843Provide better insights into OpenShift Pipeline runs
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • M
    • Not Supported


      • Dashboard is available in Admin perspective in OpenShift Console

      Epic goals:

      Provide a Prow dashboard similar to this: https://prow.k8s.io/

      Additionally, the goal is that this work will be the beginning of the dynamic plugin for OpenShift Pipelines, which would be installed by the OpenShift Pipelines operator.

      Why is it important?

      • Customers want to have an admin-centric view of all PLR across namespaces. 
      • Customers want to see historical data on past PLR and get metrics on success/failure rate, time taken, etc. 
      • Currently OpenShift console as well as the Tekton dashboard does not provide them a way to correlate PR/MRs with PLR
      •  A single place to view the parameters for a PLR, artifacts, PLR YAML is desired. 
      • Customers want to achieve industry-standard DevOps metrics (DORA) from historical PLR on a repo/namespace 
      • Investment in Tekton Dashboard from the community will not be at par with the customer requirements coming in.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • Dashboard is available in Admin perspective in OpenShift Console

      Dependencies (External/Internal):



              viraj-1 Vikram Raj
              rh-ee-ksaha Koustav Saha (Inactive)
              Vikram Raj Vikram Raj
              Sanket Pathak Sanket Pathak
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
