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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-7119

Allow cluster admin to provide default image and/or timeout period for all cluster users


    • Allow cluster admin to provide default image and/or timeout period for all cluster users
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Green
    • To Do
    • OCPSTRAT-559 - Console customization of Web Terminal image and/or timeout period
    • 0
    • OCPSTRAT-559Console customization of Web Terminal image and/or timeout period
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • S
    • Not Supported


      There's no way in the UI for the cluster admin to

      • change the default timeout period for the Web Terminal for all users
      • select an image from an image repository to be used as the default image for the Web Terminal for all users


      Expose the ability for cluster admins to provide customization for all web terminal users through the UI which is available in wtoctl

      Why is it important?

      Acceptance criteria:

      1. Cluster admin should be able to change the default timeout period for all new instances of the Web Terminal (it won't change settings)
      2. Cluster admin should be able to provide a new image as the default image for all new instances of the Web Terminal (it won't change settings)

      Dependencies (External/Internal):

      Design Artifacts:



      • Where will this information be shared?
      • What CLI is used to accomplish this today? Get link to docs

            rh-ee-lprabhu Lokananda Prabhu
            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            Lokananda Prabhu Lokananda Prabhu
            Ashleigh Brennan Ashleigh Brennan
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
