Resolution: Done
As a user, I should be able to see event sinks in topology view.
Acceptance Criteria
- Event sink should be visualized differently than the event source and as per designs
- Event sink should have pod ring visualized inside on the rhombus shape
- If Pod count filter is checked then pod ring should show the number of pod counts in center
- The event sink should have a Sign-in-alt Icon on the left side of the label
- Connector for the event sink should point inwards(towards the sink)
- Connector SideBar should have 'Connections' section
- Event Sink sidebar should show Details tab and Resource Tab
Additional Details:
Related Design: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xJ_oYhfFDJO8G9iDaBO8LvfIfp0GIBQWXFnE4M2DjsQ/edit#
Related Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lqGumwc=/?moveToWidget=3074457366365895330&cot=14
- is related to
RFE-2332 Wrong visualization of sink Kamelet bindings
- Approved
- links to