Resolution: Done
ODC/Serverless Usability Improvements
To Do
0% To Do, 8% In Progress, 92% Done
Not Supported
Currently we have a number of usability issues for developers using Serverless features.
- When creating Subscriptions, we are not allowing them to subscribe to a typical Service
- When creating Triggers, we are not allowing them to subscribe to a typical Service
- Our Create Channel form does not support switching between YAML/Form, which is inconsistent with most of our forms.
- If a kamelet sink resource exists in the project, it's visualized incorrectly and in a very misleading way - it currently shows a standalone event source coupled with an Operator Backed service visualization
Increase the usability of the Serverless experience in OpenShift Console.
Why is it important?
Acceptance criteria:
- Add Subscription should enable any service to be added as a Subscriber
- Add Trigger should enable any service to be added as a Subscriber
- Create Channel form should provide the ability to switch back & forth between YAML/Form without losing data
- 2 additional Serverless dashboards should be available in Observe Dashboard in the Dev Perspective
- I should be able to easily identify an Event Sink in topology
- I should be able to view details of an Event Sink in topology
- I should be able to view details of an Event Sink Connector in topology
- Adding support level text (not badges) for event sources (included kamelets) on the side panel in the Support section: Tech Preview, Supported or Community
Dependencies (External/Internal):
Design Artifacts:
bmorley we need 2 things here
- Text for Import tile on Add block
- Design for Event Sinks ( which takes into consideration ODC-6390 when thinking of the overall e2e experience)
AC #6 is dependent on UX for a design. This design would need to be signed off by Nov 15th in order to complete this work.
on 2021-11-23 removed Import tile on the Add page needs to be updated per UX content (NO LONGER NEEDED)