Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Dev Console'
  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-6359

ODC/Serverless Usability Improvements


    • ODC/Serverless Usability Improvements
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • 0
    • 0% To Do, 8% In Progress, 92% Done
    • L
    • Not Supported


      Currently we have a number of usability issues for developers using Serverless features.

      1. When creating Subscriptions, we are not allowing them to subscribe to a typical Service
      2. When creating Triggers, we are not allowing them to subscribe to a typical Service
      3. Our Create Channel form does not support switching between YAML/Form, which is inconsistent with most of our forms.
      4. If a kamelet sink resource exists in the project, it's visualized incorrectly and in a very misleading way - it currently shows a standalone event source coupled with an Operator Backed service visualization


      Increase the usability of the Serverless experience in OpenShift Console.

      Why is it important?

      Acceptance criteria:

      1. Add Subscription should enable any service to be added as a Subscriber
      2. Add Trigger should enable any service to be added as a Subscriber
      3. Create Channel form should provide the ability to switch back & forth between YAML/Form without losing data
      4. 2 additional Serverless dashboards should be available in Observe Dashboard in the Dev Perspective
      5. I should be able to easily identify an Event Sink in topology
      6. I should be able to view details of an Event Sink in topology
      7. I should be able to view details of an Event Sink Connector in topology
      8. Adding support level text (not badges) for event sources (included kamelets) on the side panel in the Support section: Tech Preview, Supported or Community

      Dependencies (External/Internal):


      Design Artifacts:

      bmorley we need 2 things here

      1. Text for Import tile on Add block
      2. Design for Event Sinks ( which takes into consideration ODC-6390 when thinking of the overall e2e experience)


      AC #6 is dependent on UX for a design. This design would need to be signed off by Nov 15th in order to complete this work.


      on 2021-11-23 removed Import tile on the Add page needs to be updated per UX content (NO LONGER NEEDED)

              Unassigned Unassigned
              sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols (Inactive)
              Sahil Budhwar Sahil Budhwar
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
