Resolution: Done
E2E support for Event Sinks
To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Not Supported
Event sources and event sinks are different things. Sources create cloud events and act as an input. Sinks will send a message and act as an output.
In 4.10, we included visualization of Event Sinks in Topology, but that's the only level of support we have in ODC today. There is currently no way to do the following from the OpenShift Dev Console:
- create an event sink
- connect an event source to an event sink
- connect a broker to an event sink
- connect a channel to an event sink
Provide an intuitive e2e experience for Kafka Sinks and Kamelet Sinks. This should include:
Creation of Event Sinks: Currently we only have a single event catalog. As we add the ability for Kafka Sinks and kamelet sinks to be created from the UI, we will need to have an additional Event Sink catalog type.
- We should have a separate entrypoint to this catalog from the Add page as well as on the Add to project menu in topology.
- The developer catalog should show Event sinks as well, and include an Event Sink option in the Type faceted filter
Other flows supporting event sinks as valid input
- When creating an event source, an event sink should be a valid input target
- When adding a trigger to a Broker, resources of type Event Sink should be considered "available" subscribers
- When adding a subscription to a Channel, resources of type Event Sink should be considered "available" subscribers
- Note that the 3 flows above should be supported both in forms as well as our drag & drop capabilities
Acceptance criteria:
- Add an Event Sink Catalog to the Console
- Include new tile on Add page which drills into the *Event Sink *catalog
- Include new Event Sink Catalog
- Include new catalog type in Dev Catalog, thus Event Sinks are shown in Developer catalog along with other items
- Provide side panel for Event Sinks, similar to Event Source experience
- Provide a form driven experience for Event Sinks by default, as we do for Event Sources
- Provide the ability to switch between YAML/Form in the Event Sink creation process
- Add to project menu in Topology should have an Event Sink option
- Broker actions should include an Add Event Sink item after Add Trigger (both in Actions menu & context/right click menu)
- When dragging the connector of a Broker and dropping on the canvas, an Add Event Sink item should be available after Add Trigger
- Channel actions should include an Add Event Sink item after Add Subscription (both in Actions menu & context/right click menu)
- When dragging the connector of a Channel and dropping on the canvas, an Add Event Sink item should be available after _Add Subscription
- Support visualization of Kafka Sinks ( work needs to be done here to (1) validate that they meet timeframe (2) see what needs to be modified to visualize similarly to 4.10 work for Event Sinks)
Dependencies (External/Internal):
Design Artifacts:
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-3908 [srvls] E2E support for Event Sinks
- Closed
- links to
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