Resolution: Done
As an administrator, I want to customize the roles which are being shown in the Project Access tab in the Developer console. This includes removing default roles as well as adding custom roles.
Based on the ODC-5394 enhancement proposal its required to extend the console configuration CRD, enable admins to configure this data in the console resource and provide these data as SERVER_FLAGS in the console bridge.
At the moment we can expect that the list of roles (list of objects?) will be provided as window.SERVER_FLAGS.
We need to load the available ClusterRoles before we can display them to show the console.openshift.io/display-name label if it is available.
Acceptance Criteria
- If a admin provide a list of custom roles this must be shown in the Project Access page.
- If there is no customization the default roles must be shown.
- Show the console.openshift.io/display-name annotation as select/dropdown label if it is defined.
Additional Details:
- is blocked by
ODC-5394 Write an enhancement proposal how to customize roles in Project access
- Closed
- links to