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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-5416

Extend the console-operator CRD and API for Add card customization


    • ODC Sprint 199, ODC Sprint 200


      As an admin, I should be able to hide any of the entrypoints from the Add page.

      Based on the ODC-5412 enhancement proposal its required to extend the console configuration CRD, enable admins to configure this data in the console resource and provide these data as SERVER_FLAGS in the console bridge.

      At the moment we can expect that this change will need changes in multiple repositories.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Extend the CRD definition openshift/api (Go code and auto-generated yaml files based on this code)
      2. Update openshift/console-operator dependencies to use the latest API
      3. Extend openshift-console operator so that the console resource data are available in the console ConfigMap.
      4. Finally, provide the data from the console ConfigMap as SERVER_FLAGS

      Additional Details:

      1. You can checkout here some old catalog customization PRs:
        1. For the openshift/api change, see https://github.com/openshift/api/pull/763
        2. For updating the API dependencies see https://github.com/openshift/console-operator/pull/484
        3. For providing the console-operator resource data to the consoleConfigMap see https://github.com/openshift/console-operator/pull/495
        4. For the console bridge SERVER_FLAGS change see https://github.com/openshift/console/pull/7196

              cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
              cjerolim Christoph Jerolimov
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