As a user, I want to store my delivery pipelines in a Git repository as the source of truth and execute the pipeline on OpenShift on Git events, so that I can version and trace changes to the delivery pipelines in Git.
Use Cases
- Developer can see the list of Git repositories that are added to the namespace for pipeline-as-code execution
- Developer can navigate from the Console to the Git repository on the Git provider
- For each Git repository, developer can see the details of the last pipeline execution and the commit id that triggered it with possibility to navigating to the Git commit in the Git provider
- Developer can see the list of pipelinerun executions related to a Git repository in a chronological order and the commit id that triggered each
Acceptance Criteria
- As a user, looking at the Pipelines page in the Developer Console, I should be able to see a list of (a) Git repositories that are added to the namespace for PAC execution AND (b) all pipelines in the namespace
- As a user, I should be able to navigate to a details page of the git repo.
- This details page should provide access to (a) details of the git repo and (b) a list of pipeline runs.
- This PLR tab should show additional information than the typical PLR List view, including SHA (commit id), commit message, branch & trigger type
- As a user, when looking at a Pipeline Run Details page, if associate with a git repo (PAC),
- Indicate that it's from a specific git repo rather than a PL resource
- Include the SHA (commit id), commit message, branch & trigger type
Additional Details
- is documented by
RHDEVDOCS-3109 [OP] Document pipelines as code
- Closed
- is related to
SRVKP-472 Pipelines as Code (MVP)
- Closed
ODC-6460 Pipeline as code bootstrapping
- Closed
ODC-6461 Add Git repository in pipeline as code
- Closed
- links to