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      Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)

      The goal of this feature is to provide an optional flag to to wipe volumes before LSO consumes it. In case the volume already contains data, LSO cannot use it. This is an opt-in option, users need to explicitly ask for it.

      Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)

      An optional field will be added to LogicalVolume CRD that will instruct LSO to wipe the disk before trying to provision in.

      This feature covers LogicalVolume only, it does not include LogicalVolumeSet (LVS). LVS could accidentally match an important volume (such as BIOS or UEFI partition) and wipe it.

      Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):

      A new optional field is added to specify that the disk(s) part of a LogicalVolume needs to be wipe before provisioning. False should be the default value.

      Use Cases (Optional):

      Use case is coming from SNO where a node can be redeployed multiple time in which case the disks can contain previous data. This avoids admin to wipe disks manually.

      The same use case is coming from ODF where previous data can sit on the disks planned to be consumed as OSDs.

      Questions to Answer (Optional):

      Include a list of refinement / architectural questions that may need to be answered before coding can begin. Initial completion during Refinement status.

      Out of Scope

      LogicalVolumeSet will not include this feature. LVS could accidentally match an important volume (such as BIOS or UEFI partition) and wipe it. If this feature is required for LVS, it will need a dedicated epics with additional research & design.
      h3. Background

      LogicalVolume can't be provisioned if there is existing data. This is a dataloss prevention measure but in some cases customers want LSO to wipe previous data. This usually happens when redeploying an environment multiple time especially during PoC/Pilots.

      Customer Considerations

      The default behavior should not change. If a customer would like LSO to wipe the disks, they need to explicitly ask for it.

      Documentation Considerations


      Documentation needs to describe the feature, mention this is not default and erase data as well as how to use it (snippet).


              rh-gs-gcharot Gregory Charot
              rh-gs-gcharot Gregory Charot
              Maxim Patlasov Maxim Patlasov
              Wei Sun Wei Sun
              Lisa Pettyjohn Lisa Pettyjohn
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
