Resolution: Unresolved
Strategic Portfolio Work
50% To Do, 0% In Progress, 50% Done
Backlog Refinement
Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)
Featured operators provide a quick path to increasing the capabilities and value-add of the cluster. Separated from the large, quantity oriented catalog tile-view, there are 5-7 featured operators for each the Red Hat operator collection and the certified ISV operator offerings. Customers are actively steered towards evaluation of these with appealing visualization and and prominent display.
Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)
Customers more easily discover the value-added content of OpenShift, in turn decreasing the time it takes to consuming certain layered products and certified offerings. Casual users experimenting with the platform are directly guided towards add-ons that make the cluster more sticky.
Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):
- we identify a list of featured Red Hat and certified ISV operators we want to showcase
- customers should be able to see the list of featured Red Hat operators on top of the regular OperatorHub catalog tile view
- customers should be able to see the list of featured Red Hat operators in catalog.redhat.com under the category of OpenShift operators
- customers should be able to see a list of featured ISV operators on top of the regular OperatorHub catalog tile view
- customers should be able to see a list of featured ISV operators in catalog.redhat.com under the category of OpenShift operators
- for OperatorHub in-cluster visualizations we need to take into account disconnected clusters with mirrored content and regress gracefully if the respective features operators aren't available in the cluster
Use Cases (Optional):
- A first-time OpenShift user goes to the OperatorHub catalog screen and sees the OpenShift GitOps operator prominently featured there, as a result they try ArgoCD instead of having to search documentation or the internet first on how to do GitOps with OpenShift
- A potential OpenShift customers goes to catalog.redhat.com to looks in the certified OpenShift ecosystem, there they discover featured certified ISV operators and get a sense of the type of certified content is available to them
Questions to Answer (Optional):
- How do we denote certain operators as featured? Is a hard-coded list enough?
- How do we select which ISV content is featured?
Customer Considerations
- customers might be in disconnected environments and may not have all featured operators actually mirrored to a private registry
Documentation Considerations
Interoperability Considerations