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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-288

Improve the operator catalog user experience


    • Icon: Outcome Outcome
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Layered, Lifecycle
    • None
    • 60% To Do, 20% In Progress, 20% Done

      Outcome Overview

      Customers will have better discoverability and and a better understanding of Red Hat layered products and high quality certified ISV offerings. This in turns leads to quicker realization of the value add of OpenShift.


      Success Criteria

      When done correctly, we increase operator adoption and lowers the amount of support cases by increasing user satisfaction when searching, selecting and discovering operators from any of Red Hats catalogs. 


      Expected Results (what, how, when)

      • Customers raise less support tickets or inquiries about the feature set, version history and compatibility of operators in the default catalogs and
      • ...thus run less versions that are not compatible with their cluster or simply out of support.
      • We also see increased adoption in the customer / EBS count of key layered products (Pipelines, Service Mesh, Serverless, GitOps, Quay, ACM and ACS).


      Post Completion Review - Actual Results



            DanielMesser Daniel Messer
            DanielMesser Daniel Messer
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