Resolution: Unresolved
Market Problem
0% To Do, 20% In Progress, 80% Done
Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)
Use customer managed DNS solution instead of only specific openshift-install supported DNS services (such as AWS Route53, Google Cloud DNS, etc...) for OpenShift IPI deployments into main supported cloud providers.
- Support external DNS for OpenShift on GCP
- (See OCPSTRAT-1502 for Support external DNS for OpenShift on AWS and Azure)
Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)
Enable customers to deploy full stack automated OpenShift on main cloud providers using their own DNS service instead of the cloud provider (AWS Route 53, Google Cloud DNS, etc...)
Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):
Installation support for performing an installer-provisioned infrastructure deployment to AWS, GCP and Azure using an external DNS service.
Use Cases (Optional):
As an administrator, I would like to deploy OpenShift 4 clusters to main cloud providers leveraging my custom DNS service.
Out of Scope
The Installer to manage (create/update/delete) the required DNS records to deploy OpenShift on these cloud providers or integrate with those DNS services in any way
While cloud-based DNS services provide convenient hostname management, there's a number of regulatory and operational constraints customers face prohibiting the use of those DNS hosting services on public cloud providers.
This is the continuation of the work started in OCPBU-12
Documentation Considerations
How to leverage external DNS services while deploying OpenShift on AWS, Azure and GCP will be documented extending the existing documentation for OpenShift deployments on these providers.
- is cloned by
OCPSTRAT-1502 [Outcome] Support external DNS for OpenShift on AWS and Azure
- New
OCPSTRAT-780 Support external DNS for OpenShift on Cloud Providers (Phase III)
- Closed
- is related to
RFE-2824 IngressController should support the definition of loadBalancerIP on the LoadBalancer service
- Refinement
OCPSTRAT-496 Support external DNS for OpenShift on Cloud Providers (Phase I)
- Closed
- relates to
RFE-1103 Use customer-manged DNS infrastructure for IPI on Cloud Providers
- Closed
OCPSTRAT-848 Consistent Ingress/Egress into OpenShift clusters across providers
- In Progress
- links to