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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-1909

[Dual stream] Support two major versions of RHEL CoreOS in a single OCP release & cluster


    • Strategic Portfolio Work
    • False
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      Outcome Overview

      Our objective for OpenShift is for single OpenShift minor version to include support for two different major versions of RHEL for the following reasons:

      • Some OEMs do not certify older server models on new RHEL major versions during the production life span of the server. This can cause hardware support issues
      • It gives customers more time to get RHEL 10 bits internally certified
      • It allows a longer migration path for new drivers & other kernel modules

      Adding RHEL 10 would mean:

      • Clusters can be installed with 9.8 or 10.2 as the base image
      • Clusters can have varying versions of RHCOS in different machineconfigpools of the same cluster
      • Red Hat continues to decide which RHEL minors can be used with RHCOS

      Interoperability Considerations

      Having 9 and 10 available in one release will increase testing scope.


      Success Criteria

      What is the success criteria for this strategic outcome?  Avoid listing Features or Initiatives and instead describe "what must be true" for the outcome to be considered delivered.


      Expected Results (what, how, when)

      What incremental impact do you expect to create toward the company's Strategic Goals by delivering this outcome?  (possible examples:  unblocking sales, shifts in product metrics, etc. {} provide links to metrics that will be used post-completion for review & pivot decisions). {}For each expected result, list +what you will measure and when you will measure it (ex. provide links to existing information or metrics that will be used post-completion for review and specify when you will review the measurement such as 60 days after the work is complete)



      Post Completion Review – Actual Results

      After completing the work (as determined by the "when" in Expected Results above), list the actual results observed / measured during Post Completion review(s).


              rhn-support-mrussell Mark Russell
              rhn-support-mrussell Mark Russell
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