Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Program Call
Red Hat OpenShift Networking
Feature Overview (aka. Goal Summary)
Add best practices of installing/upgrading and migrating to OpenShift clusters with OVN Kubernetes on vSphere with multi-NIC configuration.
Goals (aka. expected user outcomes)
Customers should have visibility into the best practices for the install/upgrade/migrate scenarios, to include avoidance of issues as highlighted here.
Requirements (aka. Acceptance Criteria):
We believe the procedure highlighted in the (currently unpublished) KCS article highlights the proper considerations for not just installations, but also for upgrade and migration scenarios. This, however, requires QE testing and documentation (add it to our product documentation)
Anyone reviewing this Feature needs to know which deployment configurations that the Feature will apply to (or not) once it's been completed. Describe specific needs (or indicate N/A) for each of the following deployment scenarios. For specific configurations that are out-of-scope for a given release, ensure you provide the OCPSTRAT (for the future to be supported configuration) as well.
Deployment considerations | List applicable specific needs (N/A = not applicable) |
Self-managed, managed, or both | |
Classic (standalone cluster) | |
Hosted control planes | |
Multi node, Compact (three node), or Single node (SNO), or all | |
Connected / Restricted Network | |
Architectures, e.g. x86_x64, ARM (aarch64), IBM Power (ppc64le), and IBM Z (s390x) | |
Operator compatibility | |
Backport needed (list applicable versions) | |
UI need (e.g. OpenShift Console, dynamic plugin, OCM) | |
Other (please specify) |
Use Cases (Optional):
- Initially, vSphere UPI
Questions to Answer (Optional):
Out of Scope
When installing OpenShift to a vSphere platform with OVN networking when the instances have more than one NIC, the installation will fail, reporting a failure of the bootstrap to complete. The resolution requires the customer to consider adding the internal and external subnet CIDRs, or network names, to their vSphere cloud controller manager configuration, as per the KCS article.
The Kubernetes vSphere Cloud Provider documentation contains more detail about this in the Nodes section of the vSphere Cloud Config Spec page.
Customer Considerations
Documentation Considerations
- The product documentation should highlight the consideration articulated in the KCS article.
- Testing and documenation priority is for installations (UPI), first, followed by upgrade and migrations.
- We will need to eventually enhance our documentation to include other installation types, but that is less of a priority at the moment.
Interoperability Considerations
- causes
RFE-5077 [vsphere] Allow the creation of machines with multiple NICs in OCP IPI
- Closed
- is related to
OCPBUGS-25472 [vsphere] multi NICs machineset scaling leave nodes with taint node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized
- Closed
OPNET-550 Validate the support of OVN on vSphere with multiple NICs
- Closed
OPNET-551 Cover migrations from SDN to OVN, and then upgrades of OCP
- Closed
- relates to
RFE-5077 [vsphere] Allow the creation of machines with multiple NICs in OCP IPI
- Closed
- links to