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  1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Strategy
  2. OCPSTRAT-1086

SNO release-blocking CI Jobs (2024 OKR)


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    • OCPSTRAT-16OpenShift - Kubernetes and Core Platform
    • 33
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      Review, revise, and fix all SNO related CI such that the pass rates for all jobs are on par with HA OpenShift and can become blocking for OCP Payload.

      Benefit Hypothesis:

      Stabilizing SNO CI is a key requirement to developing a stable baseline of testing for SNO for critical customer projects.


      Incorporate blocking CI for SNO profiles

      Completion Criteria

      The spirit of this initiative is to have a healthy confidence in SNO CI, with in that, the concrete goal is to have SNO CI become blocking for payloads. When we are in a blocking stage it would mean that we have the proper history of successful runs and confidence to respond to issues if and when things break.

      As such the path to completion for this OKR is

      1. Stabilize SNO CI to have consistent pass rate. (Already underway)
      2. Establish meaningful alerts to respond to errors. (Already underway)
      3. Create Informing lanes for a whole picture (i.e. Serial, Parallel, TechPreview, Upgrade)
      4. Allow informing lanes to run for a few sprints to make sure they are stable and successful.
      5. Convert informing lanes to blocking

      After that, we can confidently say this initiative is done and from that point on we transition to responding and maintaining SNO CI


            dfroehli42rh Daniel Fröhlich
            dfroehli42rh Daniel Fröhlich
            Jianwei Hou, Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez
            Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez
            unassigned unassigned
            Jeremy Peterson Jeremy Peterson
            Egli Hila Egli Hila
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
