Resolution: Won't Do
Copied from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1706228:
Greg Blomquist 2019-05-03 22:45:04 CEST
Spawned from a discussion in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1703581 .
Users should know how to create a separate PIOPS volume specifically for etcd.
This will likely start as documentation, and possibly move to install-time configuration if it is useful enough.
RHEL Program Management 2019-05-03 22:45:09 CEST
Flags: pm_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-pm-ack
Flags: devel_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-devel-ack
Flags: qa_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-qa-ack
Greg Blomquist 2019-05-03 22:45:50 CEST
Assignee: vigoyal@redhat.com → scuppett@redhat.com
PrivateComment 1Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 16:26:24 CEST
The default gp2 volume on the masters is is 360 iops. Is that enough for most OSD clusters?
If not, is a 10 GB, 500 iops disk enough for the current set of clusters in OSD?
CC: crawford@redhat.com, jeder@redhat.com, nmalik@redhat.com
Link ID: CoreOS Jira SREP-1171
Flags: needinfo?(jeder@redhat.com)
Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 16:35:36 CEST
Link ID: CoreOS Jira CORS-1078
Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 16:41:50 CEST
Link ID: CoreOS Jira CORS-828
PrivateComment 2Jeremy Eder 2019-05-06 17:05:40 CEST
The most important thing is to make it configurable at install time.
For OSD we will use io1 type, with 1000 iops as a default.
It's something that needs monitoring and alerts. These are things we will add to OSD (or the product when that makes sense).
Flags: needinfo?(jeder@redhat.com)
PrivateComment 3Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 17:47:00 CEST
This is currently possible (changing the root volume for the master):
Also, via Hive:
Priority: unspecified → medium
Target Release: — → 4.1.0
Docs Contact: vigoyal@redhat.com
Component: Documentation → Etcd
CC: dgoodwin@redhat.com
Assignee: scuppett@redhat.com → sbatsche@redhat.com
QA Contact: xtian@redhat.com → geliu@redhat.com
Severity: low → medium
Red Hat Bugzilla 2019-05-06 17:47:00 CEST
Flags: qa_ack+ pm_ack+ → qa_ack? pm_ack?
RHEL Program Management 2019-05-06 17:47:04 CEST
Flags: pm_ack? → pm_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-pm-ack
Flags: qa_ack? → qa_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-qa-ack
PrivateComment 4Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 17:48:58 CEST
Currently, the installer default is 120G gp2 (360 iops). To achieve 1000 iops guaranteed/baseline, you can use a 350G gp2 or 20G/1000 iops io1 definition in the platform config.
CC: scuppett@redhat.com
Flags: pm_ack+ qa_ack+ → pm_ack? qa_ack?
RHEL Program Management 2019-05-06 17:49:02 CEST
Flags: pm_ack? → pm_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-pm-ack
Flags: qa_ack? → qa_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-qa-ack
PrivateComment 5Stephen Cuppett 2019-05-06 17:49:25 CEST
Deferring "separate" volume question to 4.2.0 and the CORS stories we have for it. For the 4.1.0 release, adjusting the main master volume to the right size/type should get us what we need.
Target Release: 4.1.0 → 4.2.0
Flags: pm_ack+ qa_ack+ → pm_ack? qa_ack?
RHEL Program Management 2019-05-06 17:49:29 CEST
Flags: pm_ack? → pm_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-pm-ack
Flags: qa_ack? → qa_ack+
Rule Engine Rule: OSE-qa-ack
CEE Openshift PM Score Bot 2019-05-07 09:02:07 CEST
PM Score: 0 → 27
W. Trevor King 2019-05-09 07:06:31 CEST
CC: trking@redhat.com
PrivateComment 6Neelesh Agrawal 2019-08-15 17:18:01 CEST
Need a jira card.
Target Release: 4.2.0 → 4.3.0
CC: nagrawal@redhat.com
PrivateComment 7W. Trevor King 2019-08-15 22:15:16 CEST
See also discussion in and resolution of https://jira.coreos.com/browse/SREP-1171
Naveen Malik 2019-08-19 14:55:53 CEST
CC: mwoodson@redhat.com
PrivateComment 8Eric Rich 2019-09-05 00:00:38 CEST
At what point will 4.1 and 4.2 clusters that grow in size be subject to hitting scale issues because of this?
Do we need to have a separate bug, epic, jira for tracking how to mitigate this and move etcd to more performant storage post-install?
CC: erich@redhat.com, sbatsche@redhat.com
Flags: needinfo?(sbatsche@redhat.com)
PrivateComment 9W. Trevor King 2019-09-05 00:35:50 CEST
> Do we need to have a separate bug, epic, jira for tracking how to mitigate this and move etcd to more performant storage post-install?
Hopefully we have an etcd-operator to help recover control plane machines before we need this. That operator is being tracked in [1]. Then you could just bump your MachineSet to ask for larger root volumes and the machine API and etcd operator would handle rolling you out on faster/larger disks. As it stands, you can work through the disaster-recovery workflows to add new control plane machines with larger disks. And there are probably easier approaches you can take now too, although I'm not sure if it's worth working up docs around that vs. just waiting for the etcd operator.
[1]: https://jira.coreos.com/browse/ETCD-25
PrivateComment 10Michal Fojtik 2019-11-07 10:55:17 CET
Sam, is this something the operator will handle?
CC: mfojtik@redhat.com
Devel Whiteboard: candidate-4.3
Flags: needinfo?(gblomqui@redhat.com)
PrivateComment 11Sam Batschelet 2019-11-14 12:19:49 CET
We can look to this as a feature for the operator in 4.4 but this can not happen in 4.3.
Target Release: 4.3.0 → 4.4.0
Devel Whiteboard: candidate-4.3 → rejected-4.3
Flags: needinfo?(sbatsche@redhat.com) needinfo?(gblomqui@redhat.com)
PrivateComment 12Michal Fojtik 2020-01-30 10:41:25 CET
Is the disaster recovery handled by operator in 4.4 now?
Flags: needinfo?(sbatsche@redhat.com)
PrivateComment 13Sam Batschelet 2020-01-30 13:28:46 CET
> Is the disaster recovery handled by operator in 4.4 now?
- can
- cluster-etcd-operator for 4.4 we can replace a failed etcd instance on a master node. For example node A etcd instance has a catastrophic failure due to gRPC bug and is in CrashLoopBackoff. The operator will conclude failed state. Scale down etcd cluster, remove data-dir and scale etcd back up with healthy member.
- scale etcd during DR. After initial control-plane is restored new nodes being added to the system will not require manual intervention to scale up etcd or its dependencies. Some manual steps might still be involved such as DNS and accepting CSR requests of new master nodes.
- can not
- recover from lost quorum without manual intervention
Regarding https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1706228#c9
In general, I agree that cluster has enough data to conclude the instance it is on is underperforming. Meaning the cluster can know that p99 for key metrics is crossing baseline thresholds on a regular basis. Given that we should be able to have a controller that can understand how on a per cloud level instance A specs relate to instance B. Then conclude based on metrics data what components should change to correct this issue. etcd-operator can handle the generation of etcd dependencies such as TLS certs so that this process can happen much more gracefully and with minimal human operator involvement. This work is currently unplanned.
Future plans:
We are migrating the bash DR scripts to golang to allow for more autonomous/graceful DR solutions.
PrivateComment 14Eric Rich 2020-02-19 20:39:15 CET
Because of https://access.redhat.com/articles/4766521 we need to be careful in what / how we deal with disks.
I have closed the connected RFE on this.
R&D: Separate volume for etcd |
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Anandnatraj Chandramohan (Inactive) |
Add fio to OCP4 |
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User should be able to create separate PIOPS volume for etcd - Functional Testing |
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