Resolution: Done
User Story
As an openshift maintainer I want our build tooling to produce the acr credential provider plugin so that it can be distributed in RHCOS to be used by kubelet.
We need to ship the acr credential provider via an rpm, so it is available to kubelet when it first starts.
To ship an rpm we must create a .spec file that provides information on how the package should be built
A working example for AWS is provided in this PR: https://github.com/openshift/cloud-provider-aws/pull/63
- Copy the .spec file from the AWS PR
- Set up rpmbuild and rpmlint locally (proably running in a conatiner). This is a good introduction to the process.
- Get the .spec file building locally: likely by calling make <target> in the %build section (you'll need to get a tarball for the source, and move it into `SOURCES`)
- PR .spec to the root of `cloud-provider-azure`
- cluster-infra
- workloads team
Definition of Done
- .spec building the azure acr credential plugin locally
- PR to `cloud-provider-azure`
- Docs
- N.A
- Testing
- N.A
- is cloned by
OCPCLOUD-2463 GCP: Create .spec file to build gcr credential provider plugin
- Closed
- links to