Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-1122 - CAPI install system architecture
CLOUD Sprint 244, CLOUD Sprint 245, CLOUD Sprint 246
User Story
As an OpenShift engineer I want to be able to install the new manifest generation tool as a standalone tool in my CAPI Infra Provider repo to generate the CAPI Provider transport ConfigMap(s)
Renaming of the CAPI Asset/Manifest generator from assets (generator) to manifest-gen, as it won't need to generate go embeddable assets anymore, but only manifests that will be referenced and applied by CVO
- Removal of the `/assets` folder - we are moving away from embedded assets in favour of transport ConfigMaps
- Renaming of the CAPI Asset/Manifest generator from assets (generator) to manifest-gen, as it won't need to generate go embeddable assets anymore, but only manifests that will be referenced and applied by CVO
- Removal of the cluster-api-operator specific code from the assets generator - we are moving away from using the cluster-api-operator
- Remove the assets generator specific references from the Makefiles/hack scripts - they won't be needed anymore as the tool will be referenced only from other repositories
- Adapting the new generator tool to be a standalone go module that can be installed as a tool in other repositories to generate manifests
- Make sure to add CRDs and Conversion,Validation (also Mutation?) Webhooks to the generated transport ConfigMaps
- Cluster Infrastructure Team
- ShiftStack Team (CAPO)
Definition of Done
- Working and standalone installable generation tool
- is depended on by
OCPCLOUD-2257 Install new manifest generator tool in CAPI Providers repositories
- Closed
- links to
(2 links to)