Resolution: Done
CCXDEV Sprint 87, CCXDEV Sprint 88, CCXDEV Sprint 89
Description of problem:
INSIGHTOCP-1048 is a rule to check if Monitoring pods are using the NFS storage, which is not recommended in OpenShift. Gathering Persistent Volumes for openshift-monitoring namespace.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Check if the cluster contains already Persistent Volume Claims on openshift-monitoring namespace.
2. If there is none, create this ConfigMap for cluster-monitoring-config. That will setup prometheus default PVCs.
apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cluster-monitoring-config namespace: openshift-monitoring data: config.yaml: | prometheusK8s: volumeClaimTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: 1Gi
3. Run insights Operator.
4. In the result archive, on folder path /config/persistentvolumes/, there should be a file for each one of the Persistent Volumes bound to the PVCs.
5. Name of the file should match the PV name and contain the resource data.
Actual results:
Expected results:
example of persistent volume file: { "metadata": { "name": "pvc-99ffaeb3-8ff8-4137-a1fc-0bf72e7209a5", "uid": "17122aab-411b-4a71-ae35-c13caac23492", "resourceVersion": "20098", "creationTimestamp": "2023-02-20T14:44:30Z", "labels": { "topology.kubernetes.io/region": "us-west-2", "topology.kubernetes.io/zone": "us-west-2c" }, "annotations": { "kubernetes.io/createdby": "aws-ebs-dynamic-provisioner", "pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller": "yes", "pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by": "kubernetes.io/aws-ebs" }, "finalizers": [ "kubernetes.io/pv-protection" ] }, "spec": { "capacity": { "storage": "20Gi" }, "awsElasticBlockStore": { "volumeID": "aws://us-west-2c/vol-07ecf570b7adfedda", "fsType": "ext4" }, "accessModes": [ "ReadWriteOnce" ], "claimRef": { "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim", "namespace": "openshift-monitoring", "name": "prometheus-data-prometheus-k8s-1", "uid": "99ffaeb3-8ff8-4137-a1fc-0bf72e7209a5", "apiVersion": "v1", "resourceVersion": "19914" }, "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": "Delete", "storageClassName": "gp2", "volumeMode": "Filesystem", "nodeAffinity": { "required": { "nodeSelectorTerms": [ { "matchExpressions": [ { "key": "topology.kubernetes.io/region", "operator": "In", "values": [ "us-west-2" ] }, { "key": "topology.kubernetes.io/zone", "operator": "In", "values": [ "us-west-2c" ] } ] } ] } } }, "status": { "phase": "Bound" } }
Additional info:
- depends on
OCPBUGS-8243 [release 4.13] Gather Monitoring pods' Persistent Volumes
- Closed
- is depended on by
OCPBUGS-7872 [release-4.11] Gather Monitoring pods' Persistent Volumes
- Closed
- links to