Resolution: Done
ETCD Sprint 231, ETCD Sprint 232
This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-5988. The following is the description of the original issue:
Description of problem:
Etcd operator is in degraded state as one of the masters can't connect. Master that fails to connect was previously bootstrap and pivoted as part of assisted-installer installation to master. Etcd log: 2023-01-17T23:09:26.523562312Z 28dcf1b0a44481b0, started, test-infra-cluster-04bf4418-master-1,,, false 2023-01-17T23:09:26.523562312Z 30600b5b86e23c8e, started, etcd-bootstrap,,, false 2023-01-17T23:09:26.523562312Z 73f00626fee34a87, started, test-infra-cluster-04bf4418-master-0,,, false 2023-01-17T23:09:26.541214220Z #### attempt 0 2023-01-17T23:09:26.547811132Z member={name="test-infra-cluster-04bf4418-master-1", peerURLs=[}, clientURLs=[] 2023-01-17T23:09:26.547811132Z member={name="etcd-bootstrap", peerURLs=[}, clientURLs=[] 2023-01-17T23:09:26.547811132Z member={name="test-infra-cluster-04bf4418-master-0", peerURLs=[}, clientURLs=[] 2023-01-17T23:09:26.547811132Z target={name="etcd-bootstrap", peerURLs=[}, clientURLs=[] 2023-01-17T23:09:26.547846508Z member "" dataDir has been destroyed and must be removed from the cluster There are couple of problems that we see: 1. For unknown reason etcd operator BootstrapTeardownController fails to start as it fails to see "openshift-etcd" namespace though by the logs it is there. 2023-01-17T21:39:43.323928903Z E0117 21:39:43.323917 1 base_controller.go:272] BootstrapTeardownController reconciliation failed: failed to get bootstrap scaling strategy: failed to get openshift-etcd names 2. DelayStrategy code was change by https://github.com/openshift/cluster-etcd-operator/pull/964/files and currently it requires 3 healthy members in order to remove. It can create issues as etcd and cluster-bootstrap(bootkube) are not synchronized and nothing is actually blocking bootstrap on stop etcd and block remove of bootstrap etcd.(at least how i understand the flow)
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
It is race as far as i understand but reproduced pretty much in our CI by installing 4.12 nightlies
Steps to Reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Actual results:
Etcd is degrade cause third joined master etcd can't start
Expected results:
Etcd is healthy
Additional info:
- clones
OCPBUGS-5988 Degraded etcd on assisted-installer installation- bootstrap etcd is not removed properly
- Closed
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-5988 Degraded etcd on assisted-installer installation- bootstrap etcd is not removed properly
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-10477 [4.12.6] Degraded etcd on assisted-installer installation- bootstrap etcd is not removed properly
- Closed
- links to