Description of problem:
The KubeVirt provider for HyperShift uses an RHCOS image to boot VMs that will be used as nodes of the hosted clusters. The OCP release payload image contains a pointer to it but oc-mirror ignores it. The pull URL of this image can be obtained from the OCP release payload image as: $ cat release-manifests/0000_50_installer_coreos-bootimages.yaml | yq -r | jq -r '.architectures.x86_64.images.kubevirt."digest-ref"'
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Mirror the OCP release payload image with oc-mirror 2. Check for the presence of the RHCOS image for the HyperShift KubeVirt provider (cat release-manifests/0000_50_installer_coreos-bootimages.yaml | yq -r | jq -r '.architectures.x86_64.images.kubevirt."digest-ref"') 3.
Actual results:
The RHCOS image used for the HyperShift KubeVirt provider is not present on the internal registry
Expected results:
The RHCOS image used for the HyperShift KubeVirt provider got mirrored to the internal registry
Additional info:
This is required for the disconnected scenario of HCP with the Kubevirt Provider
- blocks
CNV-37749 [GA] HCP/KubeVirt disconnected clusters
- Closed
- relates to
OCPSTRAT-1266 Enhanced Support for Disconnected Installs in Hosted Control Plane
- Closed