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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-15723

Hypershift NodePool AllMachinesReady and AllNodesHealthy should have message conditions ordered


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.14.0
    • 4.12
    • HyperShift
    • No
    • Hypershift Sprint 239
    • 1
    • Rejected
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      NodePool conditions AllMachinesReady and AllNodesHealthy are used by Cluster Service to detect problems on customer nodes.
      Everytime a NodePool is updated, it triggers an update in a ManifestWork that is being processed by CS to build a user message about why a specific machinepool/nodepool is not healthy.
      The lack of a sorted message when there are more than one machines creates a bug that the NodePool is updated multiple time, when the state is the same.
      For example, CS may capture scenarios like this and consider them like the change is the same.
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: UnhealthyNode
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: UnhealthyNode ,
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: NodeConditionsFailed
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: Deleting ,
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: UnhealthyNode
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: UnhealthyNode ,
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: Deleting
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: NodeConditionsFailed ,
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: UnhealthyNode
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: UnhealthyNode ,
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-mq44p: NodeConditionsFailed
      Machine rosa-vws58-workshop-69b55d58b-97n47: Deleting ,

      Expected results:

      The HyperShift Operator should sort the messages where multiple machines/nodes are invovled:

            agarcial@redhat.com Alberto Garcia Lamela
            lponce@redhat.com Lucas Ponce
            Jie Zhao Jie Zhao
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
