Resolution: Unresolved
XCMSTRAT-1005 - M2: htpasswd expanded UI
Once OCM fully supports HTPasswd as a regular IDP, it needs to be added to the OCM website along with the rest of the IDPs. Each cluster should support multiple HTPasswd IDPs and each HTPasswd IDP should support multiple user:password entries.
This story deals with allowing a user to upload a HTPasswd file which may contain multiple username/passwords. The UI will show the contents of the file, but not attempt to validate or obfuscate passwords. In this initial phase, UI will just send the file contents to the backend, which will return a validation error message if applicable.
Mockups: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/17g6642j/screen/87630058
Implementation Details:
- on Add HTPasswd page, add radiobuttons for 'Add user manually' and 'Upload an HTPasswd file'. The 'Add user manually' will show the add a single user and password controls which currently exist.
- Add upload file text area
- When switching between radiobuttons, need to show confimation messages:
- After hitting [Create] user is redirected to Edit IDP page with new expandable users section. Users can only delete and recreate user(s).
- is depended on by
OCMUI-902 HTPasswd IDP: Upload HTPasswd file (frontend validation)
- To Do