Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-120 - OSD/ROSA managed Ingress improvements
This is a clone of https://issues.redhat.com/browse/HAC-3994 to track the testing of the managed ingress improvements for the OCP 4.14.
As discussed (more details in slack https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CB53T9ZHQ/p1684218367713449 and a meeting and the meeting notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t0kMCyKzx9XLIXtTf3hBV-lNiUEnN_5t8ThPTHnA4KU/edit#heading=h.9tg7iikr1iz9 ) the requirements on the UI seem to be defined as:
It needs to support these exact parameters of the cli:
rosa create cluster \
--private=false|true \
--default-ingress-excluded-namespaces "stage, dev, etc" \
--default-ingress-route-selector "foo=bar, baz=quux" \
--default-ingress-namespace-ownership-policy "Strict|InterNamespaceAllowed" \
--default-ingress-wildcard-policy "WildcardsAllowed|WildcardsDisallowed"
rosa edit ingress -c=<cluster-id> \
--private=false|true \
--excluded-namespaces "stage*, dev*, etc" \
--route-selector "foo=bar, baz=quux" \
--namespace-ownership-policy "Strict|InterNamespaceAllowed" \
--wildcard-policy "WildcardsAllowed|WildcardsDisallowed"
In terms of the UI, this means:
The feature is available for ROSA classic clusters, and OSD CSS AWS clusters.
The Openshift version used for this feature must be >= 4.13, otherwise a text appears instead of the selectors in Day1
In Day1 flow, in the "Networking" step of the wizard, users get to choose between "Default application ingress settings" or "Custom settings". If they choose custom, they see new controls to define: "route selector (routes-exclude)", "excluded namespaces (namespaces-exclude)", "namespace policy", "wildcard policy"
In Day2 flow, in the "Networking" tab,
--> Cluster ingress card is for now only editable for non STS clusters (the ones created on the UI are always STS)
--> Application ingress card allows editing the settings, both for STS and non STS clusters. The "default application router" is the only non-editable property.
--> Note that, as part of this ticket, the Load Balancer setting has been moved to this card. However, the API does not allow editing it for STS clusters, so it will be uneditable in those clusters.
Regarding the previous CLI commands, the following example
rosa edit ingress -c=<cluster-id> \
--private=false|true \
--excluded-namespaces "stage, dev, etc" \
--route-selector "foo=bar, baz=quux" \
--namespace-ownership-policy "Strict|InterNamespaceAllowed" \
--wildcard-policy "WildcardsAllowed|WildcardsDisallowed"
would be equivalent to the UI settings in the screenshot "ingress-ui-example"
OCP version support:
For 4.14, the Day 1 and Day 2 should be available and pass without errors
- is related to
OCMUI-1030 [OCM-UI] Different UI controls for the same networking fields in OSD and ROSA wizards
- Closed