Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-163 - OCM and product overview pages for improving awareness and navigation
ACM Console Sprint 245
Story to track work related to Overview/Dashboard and ROSA Product page navigation.
Dev work will include the following:
- Add Dashboard entry to left nav pointing to /openshift/dashboard
- Re-order left nav items so that Overview and Dashboard are before Clusters.
See (new) design linked in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/PD-1632
See Slack thread on required updates here:
Remaining To-Dos
- Draft PRs to make navigation changes for Preview (beta) and stable
- Check with Martin Marosi about timing of publish after merge (Kevin posted)
- Check with Karel Hala / Martin Marosi about updating qaprodauth (Kevin posted)
- "qaprodauth uses prod DB, so you need to do changes to at least beta/prod navigation file to surface the change on qaprodauth preview"
- See Slack thread
- Investigate how to update left nav for local development
- prod.foo.redhat.com (local env) pulls from production env (same as console.redhat.com, beta/prod, stable/prod).
- See Slack thread for more info
Additional To-Do:
- Determine the frequency of "version bumps" for console.redhat.com (Randy posted, Slack thread)
- Does it occur on a regular schedule?
- Do we need to open a ticket to kick one off?
- Should we schedule a meeting with certain folks when we're ready to promote and do both sides at the same time?
Open ticket on RHCLOUD board for navigation update to qaprodauth.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Navigation is implemented according to design spec
- Nav Order: Overview, Dashboard, Clusters, Learning resources, etc.
- Navigation changes are successfully launched in qaprodauth environment.
- Navigation changes are successfully launched in production environment.
- is blocked by
RHCLOUD-28924 Update OCM Navigation (Merge new left navigation changes)
- Closed
- links to