Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-580 - [UI Portion] External OIDC Configuration via OCM in HCP
OCM Core Sprint 253, OCMUI Core Sprint 254
For HCP clusters that have the external_auth_config enable flag set to true, a new menu option is needed for the access control tab on the overview page.
The "External Authentication" section will allow for 2 initial functions:
1) Setup external authentication provider (this is the work for this ticket)
2) Users will be able to associate external users to cluster admin functions using the "break glass" (see OCMUI-1618)
Before issuing the command to add the external provider, the provider needs to be setup with instructions in the above document. Specifically the id, url and audiences items.
Setting up external provider looks like this:
echo '{ "id": "m-entra-id", "issuer": { "url": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/fa5d3dd8-b8ec-4407-a55c-ced639f1c8c5/v2.0", "audiences": [ "a9464024-b142-4bdf-86c0-a153109cdb14" ] }, "claim": { "mappings": { "username": { "claim": "email" }, "groups": { "claim": "groups" } } } }' | ocm post /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/29b4kri70gup8le2iutt3db59plj3069/external_auth_config/external_auths
Acceptance Criteria:
1) User will see the "External Authentication" section
2) Users will be able to add/edit/delete a new external auth provider
- is depended on by
OCMUI-1618 UI Break Glass - allow user to create access for externally controlled cluster
- Closed
- is related to
OCMUI-1765 [Hypershift ROSA] Name and Issuer URL fields are missing on the Add external authentication provider dialog
- Closed
OCMUI-1817 [OCM-UI] [Hypershift-ROSA] [External authentication] CA file contents are not uploaded when the user clears the existing contents and uploads them again
- Closed
OCMUI-1769 [OCM-UI][Hypershift-ROSA] The error message for invalid user input is unclear
- Closed
OCMUI-1768 [OCM-UI] Empty section is shown for CA file contents when user erases the content and hits the Add button
- Closed
- links to
- mentioned on