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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-137

[ROSA/OSD Wizard]Update machine size select drop down for ROSA/OSD wizard(s)

    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • A-Team
    • update machine size select menu
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • To Do
    • XCMSTRAT-227 - Enable search for instance size selection in the console
    • XCMSTRAT-227Enable search for instance size selection in the console
    • 22% To Do, 0% In Progress, 78% Done

      User story:

      So that I can pick the right compute machine size for my cluster, as a user, I want a drop-down that easily lets me find the wanted instance size.  This drop-down shall allow me to search, mark versions that aren't supported by region selected and my account. I should be able to filter the dropdown by the family name (eg: m5 or m6 or c5 or t3) and the general grouping (eg: burstable, compute, memory, storage)

      Acceptance criteria:

      • machine sizes that are generally available, but not available to my selected region are disabled/hidden
      • machine sizes that are generally available and are available to my AWS account can be selected
      • instances can be filtered by family name (eg: m5 or m6 or c5 or t3, etc)
      • instances can be filtered by use-case grouping (eg: burstable, compute, memory, storage, etc)
      • Users can only select a single version instance size per machine-pool
      • The machine size search will use "fuzzy" (approximate string matching) search 


      Updated Figma design



        1. Groups collapsed.png
          230 kB
          Thi Le
        2. image-2023-01-26-14-52-36-102.png
          26 kB
          Thi Le
        3. image-2023-01-26-15-04-20-504.png
          96 kB
          Erwan Granger
        4. image-2023-01-26-15-07-10-284.png
          76 kB
          Erwan Granger
        5. Instance dropdown.png
          246 kB
          Thi Le
        6. Machine size dropdown_1.1.jpg
          181 kB
          Lisa Lyman
        7. Machine size dropdown_1.2.png
          130 kB
          Lisa Lyman
        8. Machine size dropdown_1.3.png
          131 kB
          Lisa Lyman
        9. Machine size dropdown_1.4.png
          129 kB
          Lisa Lyman
        10. Search result.png
          232 kB
          Thi Le

            rbrunopi Randy Bruno-Piverger
            rh-ee-adejong Aaren de Jong
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
