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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-1191

[ROSA Hypershift] "Add machine pool" button enabled wrongly when the quota around the node count is reached

    • 1
    • ACM Console Sprint 252

      Description of problem:

      For a ROSA hypershift cluster, a situation where the machine pool's node count has reached to maximum limit i.e. 51. User tries to add a new machine pool  and compute node count section shown as disabled with a tooltip quota limit is reached but the "Add machine pool" button is still enabled from "Add machine pool" dialog. Attempting to add machine pool will throw the backend error. 
      See the recording EnabledAddmachinepoolQuotalimitreached.mp4

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Open OCM UI staging.
      2. Open an ROSA Hypershift cluster where the total machine pool node count reached to 51.
      3. Go to machine pool tab.
      4. Click "Add machine pool" button.
      5. In "Add machine pool" dialog , fill all required fields.
      6. Click "Add machine pool" button.
      7. See the behavior.

      Actual results:

      "Add machine pool" button enabled from "Add machine pool" dialog although no quota for user to add additional node in a machine pool.

      Expected results:

      "Add machine pool" button should be disabled from "Add machine pool" dialog when no quota for user to add additional node in a machine pool.

            rh-ee-daznauro David Aznaurov
            jmekkatt@redhat.com Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
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