Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-227 - Enable search for instance size selection in the console
User can pick the right compute machine size for her cluster.
As a user, I want a drop-down that easily lets me find the wanted instance size. This drop-down shall allow me to search, mark versions that aren't supported by region selected and my account. I should be able to filter the dropdown by the family name (eg: m5 or m6 or c5 or t3) and the general grouping (eg: burstable, compute, memory, storage)
Acceptance criteria:
- For ROSA creation wizard
- instances can be filtered by family name (eg: m5 or m6 or c5 or t3, etc)
- instances can be filtered by use-case grouping (eg: burstable, compute, memory, storage, etc)
- Users can only select a single version instance size per machine-pool
- The machine size search will use "fuzzy" (approximate string matching) search
- is blocked by
OCMUI-57 Filtering enhancements for machine type dropdown, OSD Wizard and ROSA Wizard [DEV story]
- Closed