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  1. Observability Documentation
  2. OBSDOCS-692

Update Monitoring doc links and topic map position


    • OBSDOCS (Mar 25 - Apr 15) #251

      Perform to following tasks: 

      • Modify _topic_map.yaml to move Monitoring under Observability
      • Search the whole docs set and replace all old occurrences of the file(s) with the new location, paying special attention to anchor tags.
      • Update incoming/outgoing xrefs to reflect the change to the relative path (../)
      • Run asciibinder build to confirm that the changes are correct locally. Fix any errors.
      • Confirm that the topic is not used by the console by reviewing this file. If it is used by the console team, reach out to the OCP DPM.
      • If redirects need to be set up for new content, follow these steps in advance of merging your PR.
      • Apply these changes to OCP 4.12+

      In the topic map, initial doc headings for each component occur at the same level as the Observability overview. 

      The docs in the Observability directory should ultimately be listed in the following order: 



      Distributed Tracing

      Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry

      Network Observability 

      Power Monitoring

              eromanov@redhat.com Eliska Romanova
              rhn-support-lfrazier Lindsey Frazier
              Brian Dooley
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
