Resolution: Unresolved
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100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done
Proposed title of this feature request
OpenTelemetry Virtualization Integration
What is the nature and description of the request?
Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization, which is included in Red Hat OpenShift, provides a modern platform for organizations to run and deploy their new and existing virtual machine (VM) workloads. The solution allows for easy migration and management of traditional virtual machines onto a trusted, consistent, and comprehensive hybrid cloud application platform.
Currently, users can collect logs from serial console out of the box and see them in ocp-logging. However, If a customer wants to collect OS logs (or app logs metrics and traces inside the VM), they will need another collector software, for which Red Hat is not providing an answer, and users would need to maintain their own or upstream collectors. As a matter of fact, they would need to install/configure agents by themselves if they wanted to forward OS logs to loki, which might not be supported.
However, this will be more straight forward once we have rhel 9.5 and opentelemetry out of the box.
As part of the OpenTelemetry Integrations framework delivered by the parent outcome (OBSDA-914), users shall be able to easily integrate Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization with the OpenTelemetry ecosystem and vendors and be supported in the platform.
Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements)
Users need to easily dpeloy and configure the observability pipelines of AI workloads by:
- Document the integration with configuration and examples
Stretch goals (TBD with Virt team):
- Enabling Virtualization team to deploy/configuring this OpenTelemetry collector in their golden images or via a tekton task --> Low prio. Normally users have their own images. May add value. But docs here is key.
- Enabling Virtualization team to install and/or configure an OpenTelemetry collector to receive, process and export data inside and outside OpenShift --> Needs to be fleshed out, but could add valule. To check, jtaking into account what needs to be opinionated. There's a Feature in Virt that this effort can contribute to: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CNV-42404
- Explore providing a dashboard in the OpenShift console related to relevant Virtualization info. --> General dashboard that can be filtered by the VM, drilling down into items. This is where inside-vm data can add value. More specific about the user flow.
List any affected packages or components.
- Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry
- Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization
Further reading
- is incorporated by
OBSDA-1078 Observability supporting OpenShift Virtualization use cases
- Refinement