
    • Icon: Outcome Outcome
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • PM Tracing
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0
    • 91% To Do, 9% In Progress, 0% Done


      This activity delivers the following:

      • A consistent observability integration experience across public cloud, on-premise, hybrid cloud, or edge architecture, based on OpenTelemetry.
      • Making OpenShift a platform that helps teams focus on the work that matters by easing the definition of the observability data pipelines coming from:
        • Platform
        • Applications
        • Red Hat supported technologies and SDKs
        • Third party technologies and SDKs
      • Unify collection and delivery of data coming from both application and platform, and exported to:
        • Cloud Providers: IBM, AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
        • Observability vendors: Dynatrace, Datadog, AppDynamics, Coralogix…

      High level Outcomes

      Official Integration docs under “Observability” section that includes:

      • How to configure applications, some SDKs and auto-instrumentation (Quarkus, Java, .NET, EAP JBoss…)
      • Metrics, traces and log collection and  forwarding
      • How to configure OpenTelemetry collectors to collect and process platform data, including OpenShift and Cloud Providers
      • How to configure OpenTelemetry collectors to forward data to OpenShift
      • How to configure OpenTelemetry collectors to forward data to third parties, including Cloud providers
      • UI dashboards integrations
      • Every integration can provide a dashboard in the OpenShift console easily expandable (long term)
      • Configurations that are easy to use and expand for relevant use cases (i.e., AI/ML specific libs)
      • Provide different levels of support for integrations

      Follow up deliverables, once the first platform is implemented:

      • Certification process
      • Marketing integration stories
      • Observability Integrations site inside the redhat.com domain.


      1. Preliminary work and preparations
        • Add the Observability Category and unify Software under the Ecosystem catalog
        • A PoC is defined in OBSDA-864 .The objective of this preliminary work is to define an MVP and a set of the outcomes that we can provide and maintain, in a sustainable way over time, to offer streamlined integrations to our users, so they can leverage on the platform:
          1. Pick one representative third party observability vendor to integrate with
          2. Explore and agree with stakeholders which outcomes make sense for this particular integration
          3. Deliver the decided outcomes
          4. Provide an estimate of the effort for further integrations
          5. Define an integrations guide for other integrations
        • The tracing team needs to provide a way to support and maintain third party exporters. See doc
        • OpenShift specific metrics to be delivered to third-party vendors will be defined in OBSDA-939
        • As asked by customers, a way to provide platform OTLP metrics will be fleshed out during OBSDA-863. After customer feedback, GA is tentatively targetted for rhosdt-3.5
      2. Add integrations incrementally, in the 3 relevant areas (represented by corresponding Jira labels):
        • Cloud Provider Integrations
        • Observability Vendor Integrations
        • Tech Integrations


            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
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