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    • OBSDA-914OpenTelemetry Integrations


      Azure Cloud is a widely adopted platform for deploying and managing enterprise workloads. Integrating OpenTelemetry into Azure allows OpenShift and applications running on Azure to export metrics, traces, and logs for enhanced observability. This feature will enable seamless integration with Azure's observability services, such as Azure Monitor and Application Insights, for all traces and telemetry signals.

      High-Level Goals

      • Simplify data collection and forwarding for OpenShift and third-party applications running on Azure.
      • Support platform and application telemetry export to Azure Observability services using OpenTelemetry collectors.
      • Support collection of specific Azure service-related telemetry data.



      • Provide official Azure integration documentation for observability in OpenShift.
      • Steps for configuring OpenTelemetry collectors to export data to Azure Monitor, Application Insights, and Log Analytics.
      • Clearly document that these components will be in Tech Preview and are not expected to reach GA.
      • Include links to corresponding Azure configuration documentation for related services.

      Observability Data Collection and Export

      • Enable collection and forwarding of logs, traces, and metrics from OpenShift to Azure services and vice versa by configuring appropriate receivers and exporters.
      • Proactively review components available in Azure’s OpenTelemetry distribution and propose adding those that are important for this integration.

      Dashboard Integration

      • Explore setting up example dashboards in Azure Monitor / OpenShift for visualizing key metrics related to OpenShift on Azure

            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
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