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  1. Observability and Data Analysis Program
  2. OBSDA-929

OpenTelemetry Datadog integration


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0
    • OBSDA-914OpenTelemetry Integrations
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done


      Integrating OpenTelemetry with Datadog allows OpenShift users to send observability signals—logs, metrics, and traces—directly to Datadog for monitoring and analysis. This feature will focus on enabling OpenTelemetry collectors to work seamlessly with Datadog by configuring relevant receivers and exporters. It will also assess whether custom or additional components need to be added to the Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry to support this integration.

      High-Level Goals

      • Enable seamless integration of OpenTelemetry with Datadog by adding necessary receivers and exporters to the Red Hat build.
      • Ensure OpenShift platform and application telemetry can be collected and forwarded to Datadog using OpenTelemetry collectors.
      • Provide detailed configuration and documentation for OpenShift users to set up Datadog integration.


      Datadog Retriever Receivers and Exporters

      • Identify the necessary receivers and exporters required for OpenTelemetry collectors to send data to Datadog:
        • Datadog exporter: Ensure the datadogexporter is included in the Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry to allow for seamless exporting of metrics, traces, and logs.
        • Explore the need for any additional custom Datadog receiver to capture specific data from OpenShift platform components.
      • Assess the feasibility of adding the required components to the build, in Tech Preview, ensuring to be clear about the fact that these will not reach GA.
      • Ensure proper configuration and testing of the Datadog exporter for compatibility with OpenShift workloads.
      • Enable collection and forwarding of logs, traces, and metrics from OpenShift platform and applications to Datadog:


      • Provide documentation for integrating OpenTelemetry with Datadog, covering:
        • Steps to configure OpenTelemetry collectors with Datadog exporters and receivers.
        • Examples of exporting OpenShift platform metrics, traces, and logs to Datadog.
        • Ensure the documentation highlights any Tech Preview status.

      Dashboard Integration (stretch)

      • Collaborate with Datadog to create or provide sample dashboards in Datadog that can visualize important OpenShift metrics and traces, such as:
        • Cluster and node health.
        • Application-level performance metrics.
        • Resource utilization and scaling behaviors.
        • Distributed traces of OpenShift workloads, showing dependencies and latencies.
      • Explore creating a dashboard that shows the amount of data going to this vendor.

            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
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