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  1. Observability and Data Analysis Program
  2. OBSDA-915

OpenTelemetry Quarkus integration


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • 0
    • OBSDA-914OpenTelemetry Integrations
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done


      Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java framework optimized for running on cloud environments, making it a key technology for OpenShift workloads. Integrating OpenTelemetry into Quarkus enables applications to export telemetry signals (metrics, traces, and logs) for better observability. This feature ensures that Quarkus applications can be easily configured to collect, transform, and export observability data to OpenTelemetry collectors.

      High-Level Goals

      • Simplify the configuration of OpenTelemetry within Quarkus applications.
      • Ensure Quarkus apps can collect, transform, and export signals (logs, metrics, traces) to OpenTelemetry collectors in OpenShift.
      • Provide clear documentation and relevant links to official Quarkus resources.
      • Explore the creation of a dashboard for visualizing Quarkus telemetry data within the OpenShift console.



      • Provide official documentation detailing how to configure Quarkus applications to integrate with OpenTelemetry within the Integrations Section.
      • Ensure documentation includes steps for sending observability data (metrics, traces, and logs) from Quarkus apps to OpenTelemetry collectors deployed in OpenShift.
      • Include relevant links to Quarkus documentation (e.g., official guides for OpenTelemetry integration in Quarkus) and OpenTelemetry collector configuration references.
      • Provide examples of setting up Quarkus applications to:
        • Export observability signals to different endpoints (e.g., cloud providers, third-party observability vendors) via OpenTelemetry collectors.
        • Auto-instrumentation note: "The use of the OpenTelemetry Agent is not needed nor recommended. Quarkus Extensions and the libraries they provide, are directly instrumented. That agent doesn’t work with native mode."

      Observability Data Collection and Export

      • Ensure Quarkus applications can be configured to collect and forward logs, traces, and metrics to OpenTelemetry collectors.

      Dashboard Integration

      • Explore and define the creation of an OpenShift dashboard that visualizes key metrics and traces from Quarkus applications.
      • Provide a sample dashboard configuration, focusing on Quarkus-specific data points (e.g., request latency, error rates, custom metrics).

            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
            rh-ee-jgomezse Jose Gomez-Selles
            0 Vote for this issue
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