Resolution: Done
Logging 5.8
Not Selected
Proposed title of this feature request
LokiStack Console Plugin should allow searching for patterns across all namespaces Developers have access too
What is the nature and description of the request?
When using LokiStack, the Console Plugin shipped along is missing functionality that would allow developers to search patterns across multiple namespaces. In a proper Microservice Architecture, services may be spread across different namespaces and it's therefore key for developers and application owners to search for given patterns between different namespaces to trace down problems or even follow a request (using a request ID or similar).
Missing this functionality is a complete blocker for enterprise customers, as such functionality is considered basic and a hard requirement to move towards LokiStack
Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements)
While first of all it was possible via Kibana, it's also understood that we don't aim to duplicate the functionality of Kibana. Yet, as mentioned before Microservices Architecture often does involve multiple services in different namespaces. So for troubleshooting and other reason it's key for developers, application owners, support teams, etc. to be able and search across different namespaces to quickly and easily trace down problems within different services or even follow a particular request, using a request ID or similar.
List any affected packages or components.
OpenShift Container Platform 4 - Cluster Logging 5 - LokiStack Console Plugin
- depends on
OU-223 Allow dev perspective logs to search across several namespaces
- Closed