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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1953

Allow for user specified disk names in a migration plan.


      Currently, when a migration is run from VMware, the VM PVCs being created with a name based upon the name of the migration plan and VMID. Since you cannot rename a PVC after the fact, Is there any way to influence how these names are generated prior to the PVC being created?

      Could there either be a way to manually specify a disk name for the migration, or potentially preserve the same alias name similar to the request here: 


      Specific request in  Customers words: 
      "The default naming scheme that MTV uses for PVC makes it very cumbersome for support teams to identify PVCs based upon a VM’s name, using the VMID in the name is meaningless after the VM is migrated. Ideally, we would like to use some type of templating to define how the PVC should be named. Additionally, for new VM deployments on OCPV we have an established naming scheme for PVCs and would like migrated workloads to align with that."

              richard.hoch Richard Hoch
              shaselde@redhat.com Sean Haselden
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