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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1666

User provided PVC, disk, and network names in migration plan


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.8.0
    • None
    • Controller

      In the migration plan, a user should have the ability to provide a custom names for

      • the PVC to be created for a disk
      • the name of the disk inside the VM CR
      • the name of the interface inside the VM CR



      Draft -

      Adding pvcNameTemplate field to the Plan CR and to each VM in the VM list of the plan.

      PVCNameTemplate is a template for generating PVC names for VM disks.
      The VM specific template will override the template set in the plan.

      It follows Go template syntax and has access to the following variables:
       - .vmName: name of the VM
       - .planName: name of the migration plan
       - .diskIndex: initial volume index of the disk
       - .rootDiskIndex: index of the root disk


         "{{if eq .DiskIndex .RootDiskIndex}}root{{else}}data{{end}}-{{.DiskIndex}}"

      In the plan YAML:

         pvcNameTemplate:   "{{.vmName}}-disk-{{.diskIndex}}"
          - name: some-vm
            pvcNameTemplate:   "{{.vmName}}-disk-{{.diskIndex}}"

              yzamir@redhat.com Yaacov Zamir
              fdeutsch@redhat.com Fabian Deutsch
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
