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  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1543

warm migration is not working properly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.7.2
    • 2.7.0
    • Controller
    • Important

      Testing warm migration and it looks like it doesn't work properly.

      OCP 4.16.9
      ODF 4.16.2
      CNV 4.16.2
      MTV 2.7.0-12

      MTV Setup:
      controller_max_vm_inflight: 5
      controller_precopy_interval: 60m (default)
      controller_snapshot_status_check_rate_seconds: 10s (default)
      Single plan

      Warm migration, 20 VMs using  2 ESXs (10 VMs per ESX)
      VM: Single disk, 50G size , 35G data usage

      Starting the migration plan:
      5 VMs of each ESX started - Total of 10 VMs (As expected) and running "Initialize and DiskTransfer" steps.
      While the DiskTransfer was completed (all 10 VMs were completed), the plan was waiting for 'Cutover' or 'DiskTransfer' of another snapshot - Need to wait ~40min (Copy the data took ~20min). While waiting, the other 10 VMs did not started run any step.

      I waited for ~10-15 and once there was no progress, I pressed 'Cutover' and set a time.
      The 'cutover' time was reached and the 10 VMs that had already started the migration continued with the steps: 'cutover', 'Image Conversion' and 'VMcreation'.

      After the 10VMs completed the migration, the other 10VMs started and completed the migration as "COLD".

      I expected during the waiting to 'cutover' or 'transfer new snapshot' to start migrating the other VMs.

            mnecas@redhat.com Martin Necas
            dvaanunu@redhat.com David Vaanunu
            Chenli Hu Chenli Hu
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