Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Toolkit for Virtualization'
  1. Migration Toolkit for Virtualization
  2. MTV-1286

Preserve IP option for Windows does not preserve all settings


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 2.6.4
    • 2.6.3
    • Controller
    • None
    • Customer Escalated

      While migrating a Windows 2022 Server with static IP address assigned, I selected the "Preserve static IPs" option. After a successful Windows migration, the node started and did have the IP address preserved, however Subnet mask, Gateway and DNS servers were not preserved.  

      This results in a migration that from a customer perspective is not complete. The Windows VM is not usable from the network in any way, and the customer must log in locally from the console in order to fully configure the network. 

      In order for this to be a useful feature netmask, gateway, and dns servers must be preserved. 

        1. bug_mtv.png
          77 kB
          Alexandre Menezes
        2. multiple-nics.png
          44 kB
          Tzahi Ashkenazi
        3. multiple-nics-1.png
          283 kB
          Qin Yuan
        4. single-net.png
          213 kB
          Tzahi Ashkenazi
        5. single-net-1.png
          213 kB
          Tzahi Ashkenazi
        6. vmware_tools.png
          107 kB
          Tzahi Ashkenazi
        7. win22-migrated-ip.png
          27 kB
          Mark DeNeve
        8. win22-source-ip.png
          127 kB
          Mark DeNeve
        9. WindowsIP.png
          211 kB
          Petko Petkov

            lrotenbe Liran Rotenberg
            mdeneve@redhat.com Mark DeNeve
            Tzahi Ashkenazi Tzahi Ashkenazi
            1 Vote for this issue
            19 Start watching this issue
